Dr. Emiliano Hudtohan

Educator, Business Writer, Industry Expert and Entrepreneur

White Light Healing Protocol

Close your eyes and imagine there is a speck of white light at the center of your forehead.  Imagine the light growing in size from pinpoint becoming larger until your whole face is covered with light.  Imagine your right and left brain are filled with white light.

Breathe in and exhale.  Breathe in fresh air and exhale any pressure or pain on your face and your head. Do this three to six times.  Inhale; exhale.

Now move the light from your nape down to your spine, from your neck to your shoulders moving to your elbow, wrists, and all the way to your finger tips.

Breathe in and exhale.  Breathe in fresh air and exhale any pressure or pain on neck, should, arms and fingers.  Do this three to six times.  Inhale; exhale.

Now fill your left and right lungs with light, your throat, your chest, especially your heart, your upper stomach and lower stomach.

Breathe in and exhale.  Breathe in fresh air and exhale any pressure or pain on neck, should, arms and fingers.  Do this three to six times.  Inhale; exhale. Exhale the pressure or pain from your lungs, your throat, your chest, especially your heart, your upper stomach and lower stomach. Inhale; exhale.  Do this three to six times.

Now fill your hips, your thighs, your calf, and your feet with light.

Breathe in and exhale.  Breathe in fresh air and exhale any pressure or pain from your hips, your thighs, your calf, and your feet.  Do this three to six times.  Inhale; exhale.

Now you are covered with white light from the tip of your hair to the sole of your feet.  Inhale and exhale, feeling refreshed by new energy.  Continue to release whatever pain, discomfort you have.  Locate that pain or discomfort and place the palm of your hand on that part of your body.  Inhale and exhale.  Visualize the source of pain (kidney, heart, lungs, etc) and imagine that red and pink color takes over dull gray or blackish color.  If tumor, visualize the size getting smaller and smaller until it disappears.  Do this a many inhaling and exhaling, until you feel peace and assurance that the pain is removed or the size of tumor is gone.

Put a smile on your face.  Thank the Universe (God, Allah, Higher Being, etc). Open your heart with gratitude for life and for the breath you make and for the heartbeat you feel.  Recount all the good things you experience.  Continue to smile and feel the freshness and assurance of being healed.

Close the session by placing all that you breathe out at the foot of the Universe (God, Allah, Higher) so that it will not return to your [your pain, illness] nor to your family, relatives and friends who are one with you in spirit, in prayer, and in empathy.

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