Dr. Emiliano Hudtohan

Educator, Business Writer, Industry Expert and Entrepreneur

Wellness and Quantum Healing

Wellness and Quantum Healing

Dr. Emiliano T. Hudtohan

December 16, 2008




In 2005, Dr. Nenita Cura, Dean of Philippine School of Social and concurrent chairperson of Moral, Social, and Civic Education (MSCE) Department, announced that we will celebrate for the first time MSCE Day in conjunction with Philippine Women’s University Week.  I was tasked to prepare paper that would be of interest to the students and their families.  Thus, I chose the topic Family Wellness and Quantum Healing Technology to make them aware that wellness and health are within reach of everyone.



Wellness of ME and WE


Healing is about wellness.  As you read this article, kindly write on a piece of paper the first letter of the word wellness.  Is the base of your letter matulis (V) or bilog (U)?  Alin kaya ang mabisa, ang matulus o bilog?  Tingnan natin.  If we break the letter W, which is pronounced  double U (UU) into two letters, what do you get?  Kung matulis ang mga paa ng W, mayroon ka ng double V (VV) at kung bilog ang mga paa ng W, ylou have double U (UU).  Aling kaya ang masmabisa for Wellness, double V or U?  Para sa akin and double V ang pipiliin ko, kasi Victory for me and Victory for you in a relationship like a healing encounter.  Ang double U, eh, you (U), and you (U).  Ikaw at ikaw lang.


Healing needs another person.  That’s why in Wellness the first two letters are WE.  If you replace WE with I Wellness becomes Illness.  Too much preoccupation with the I, the self, can lead to Illness. As social being connected metaphysically to others, the ME is always living in relation with the WE.


May I ask: How do I find the WE in ME?  I say, you have to reverse the M in ME to find WE. Re-verse is rewriting the script in Me; it is changing My direction inside out by going a 360-degree turn. We must also remember that the word WE, W is double V; it means my Victory is connected with someone’s Victory and my Wellness is always with others.



Method of Presentation


This paper makes use of story-telling (  ) as a form of communication.  Foronda (   ) believes that oral history is a power tool that helps us understand ourselves.  Connecting with our cultural ethnic, indigenous self is necessary for sustainable self.


It is also phenomenological ( ).  What is presented here are stories that took place which in the physical science and its natural law cannot fully explain.  These stories are manifestations of metaphysical realities which are not quite the same supernatural in the theological and religious sense nor physical in the field of natural science.


This paper is experiential.  Transformational learning (Mezirow, 2000) calls for hands-on learning experience.  Since this paper was borne out of a workshop, section of three presents a step by step process in a healing session.




  1. I.              The Family Tree: Ground for Healing


Our illness or disease may be traced to our family ancestry. The genogram is used to paint a picture of our tree of origin. Tracing our family tree to four generations is quite a difficult task. But I met the owner of a restaurant in Bandung, Indonesia and he showed me a book that traced his family all the way to China that goes back to various dynasties.  A normal tree includes the first generation (siblings), second generation (parents), third generation (grandparents) and fourth generation (great grandparents).


It takes some research to be able to fill-in the details of the dates of birth and death, causes of death, career and special relationships to be able to complete a family genogram.  Family reunions are opportunities to gather stories and verify information.  At times, we have to contact relatives and friends to complete a big picture of our family tree.


In my MSCE course, I used the genogram to help my students discover the hidden generational issues.  I was particularly interested for example why they chose to enroll for a second course.  Their assignment was focused on locating where the nursing/medical profession and where the drive to work abroad were coming from.  In the process, other information like illnesses and causes of death were unearthed.  Some moral issues also surface, like murder in the family, early marriages, and pre-marital pregnancies.


Some genograms show a career in nursing and working abroad as a pattern, a goal to be a medical doctor was rooted from a great grandfather who was a Chinese herbal  doctor, and siblings having a love child as a repeated pattern.


CRP is a senior nursing student whose great grandfather was a Chinese.  He said, “I had long dreamed of becoming a medical doctor ever since I was a child.  I loved the sciences and I have this passion for science and technology. Unfortunately, my father passed away due to diabetes mellitus complications and I was left with so much responsibilities, being the only son.  In the Chinese set-up, the first-born son is given the power and authority to head the family.  I inherited the responsibility of taking care of my family, my mother, my older sister and her kids.  I tried to apply at UP-PGH and UST.  At UP I only made it to the first screening, then I was denied.  I was able to pass UST and all I needed was to enroll but tuition runs up to P80,000 per semester. With a heavy heart, I decided to take up nursing.”


MSD is a similar case.  Her maternal great grandmother was a nurse married to a doctor and her paternal great grandmother was also a nurse married to a doctor.  While her mother is a pharmacist and her father, an architect, she has opted to take up nursing, following the line of her great grandparents.


CBA’s nursing career and desire to work abroad appear to have been influenced by uncles and aunts from her maternal and paternal side.  There are 3 nurses and 1 medical technologist and 8 cousins work or live abroad in the United States of America, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom of Great Britain. She has one cousin who is a nurse from her mother’s side.  She comes from a family of 8 siblings.  Four of them are in the nursing profession and one is married to a nurse.  Four of her siblings are working or living abroad: Jeddah, Australia and Taiwan.  On the maternal side, she has 7 uncles and aunts.  On the paternal side, she has 8 uncles and aunts.  This size of big family comes from both sides.


JAB, on the other hand, comes from a clan of farmers and businessmen.  However, he and five of his siblings are in the medical field: nursing (3), doctor of medicine (1), and radiology technology (1).  This is a breakthrough generation.  It also demonstrates what is called horizontal contagion, where the career of one influences the career of other on a lateral scale among brothers and sisters. Another breakthrough example is that of RCC whose ancestors were farmers and craftsmen (dressmaker, shoemaker) and skilled workers (laundry woman, jeepney driver).  She finished a degree major biology and is now taking up nursing.


  1. II.                 The Family Tree: Ground for Healing


Our illness or disease may be traced to our family ancestry. The genogram is used to paint a picture of our tree of origin. Tracing our family tree to four generations is quite a difficult task.


I met the owner of a restaurant in Bandung, Indonesia and he showed me a book that traced his family all the way to China that goes back to various dynasties.  A normal tree includes the first generation (siblings), second generation (parents), third generation (grandparents) and fourth generation (great grandparents).


It takes some research to be able to fill-in the details of the dates of birth and death, causes of death, career and special relationships to be able to complete a family genogram.  Family reunions are opportunities to gather stories and verify information.  At times, we have to contact relatives and friends to complete a big picture of our family tree.


In my MSCE course at the Philippine Women’s University, I used the genogram to help my students discover generational issues.  I was particularly interested, for example, why they chose to enroll for a second course.  Their assignment was focused on locating where the nursing/medical profession and where the drive to work abroad were coming from.  In the process, other information like illnesses and causes of death were unearthed.  Some moral issues also surfaced, like murder in the family, early marriages, and pre-marital pregnancies.


One genogram showed a career in nursing and working abroad as a pattern, a goal to be a medical doctor was rooted from a great grandfather who was a Chinese herbal  doctor, and siblings having a love child as a repeated pattern.


CRP is a senior nursing student whose great grandfather was a Chinese.  He said, “I had long dreamed of becoming a medical doctor ever since I was a child.  I loved the sciences and I have this passion for science and technology. Unfortunately, my father passed away due to diabetes mellitus complications and I was left with so much responsibilities, being the only son.  In the Chinese set-up, the first-born son is given the power and authority to head the family.  I inherited the responsibility of taking care of my family, my mother, my older sister and her kids.  I tried to apply at UP-PGH and UST.  At UP I only made it to the first screening, then I was denied.  I was able to pass UST and all I needed was to enroll but tuition runs up to P80,000 per semester. With a heavy heart, I decided to take up nursing.”


MSD is a similar case.  Her maternal great grandmother was a nurse married to a doctor and her paternal great grandmother was also a nurse married to a doctor.  While her mother is a pharmacist and her father, an architect, she has opted to take up nursing, following the line of her great grandparents.


CBA’s nursing career and desire to work abroad appear to have been influenced by uncles and aunts from her maternal and paternal side.  There are 3 nurses and 1 medical technologist and 8 cousins work or live abroad in the United States of America, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom of Great Britain. She has one cousin who is a nurse from her mother’s side.  She comes from a family of 8 siblings.  Four of them are in the nursing profession and one is married to a nurse.  Four of her siblings are working or living abroad: Jeddah, Australia and Taiwan.  On the maternal side, she has 7 uncles and aunts.  On the paternal side, she has 8 uncles and aunts.  This size of big family comes from both sides.


JAB, on the other hand, comes from a clan of farmers and businessmen.  However, he and five of his siblings are in the medical field: nursing (3), doctor of medicine (1), and radiology technology (1).  This is a breakthrough generation.  It also demonstrates what is called horizontal contagion, where the career of one influences the career of other on a lateral scale among brothers and sisters. Another breakthrough example is that of RCC whose ancestors were farmers and craftsmen (dressmaker, shoemaker) and skilled workers (laundry woman, jeepney driver).  She finished a degree major biology and is now taking up nursing.





  1. III.           The Micro World of Quarks


 The key assumption I have in healing the family tree is the reality of the unseen, micro world is governed by the force and wisdom of the universe.  It was Teilhard de Chardin who acknowledged the presence of the divine in the materiality of the universe.  It was Einstein who described the behavior of the atomic work by formulating the equation of energy in term of mass traveling at the speed of light.


Quantum physics, according to Gribbin (1998), deals with the micro world. Quantum is the smallest amount of something that is possible to have. It has electrical charge units that come in multiples of quantum charges and the fundamental quantum charge is about one third of the electron charge.  This is amazing because 40 years ago, in high school, our nuclear physics teacher, Dr. Alonzo del Callar, taught us that the electron is the smallest particle of matter. Today in the micro world, the smallest particle of matter is a quark. Quark is a charged particle which feels the force of color red, blue and green.  In the level of matter it is below the size of neutrons and protons.



Quarks: Light and Matter


The existence of quarks and its unique behavior has led scientist to define local and non-local reality. Using the Copenhagen Interpretation[1] of the non-local world, we discover that an electron is matter and a wave (energy) at the same time.  The behavior of one electron (quantum particle of quark) in one place can have an effect on some distant particle. The two are said to be correlated.  Practically speaking, in the quantum world, if we break NaCl into sodium and chlorine and bring the sodium in San Francisco, USA its quarks have a way of finding the chlorine we left in the Philippines.


A                                               B

Figure 1


In Figure 1, common sense tells us that an electron in a box has a definite location even if we don’t know here it is (A). The Copenhagen Interpretation says that the electron exists as a wave filling the box, and could be anywhere inside (B).  At the moment we look for the electron, the wave function collapses at a certain location (A).


A                                       B

Figure 2


In Figure 2, Common sense says that if we slide a partition into the box without looking, the electron must be in one half of the box A. Copenhagen Interpretation says that as long as we don’t look, the electron wave still occupies both halves of the box B. It only collapses on one side of the barrier when we look inside A.


A                                      B

Figure 3

In Figure 3, as long as we don’t look, even if we move the two haves of the box far apart the wave still fills both boxes (A).  Even if the boxes are light years apart, it is only when we look into either one that the electron wave function collapses, instantaneously, and the electron ‘decides’ which box it is in (B)



Our Connectivity with the Quantum World


The power of the quarks in transformed reality is like an experience of the power of Jesus’ resurrection.  Ten years ago, I was supposed to be in Roxas City, where bank officers and staff there will be joined by those from Kalibo, Aklan. My Manila-Roxas flight was at 6:00 AM.  But I was awakened by the church bell at 5:30 AM.  In a huff, I got a taxi at the corner of Quirino Ave. and Taft Ave. at 5:37 AM.  From Taft to Roxas Blvd. and all the way to the domestic airport, all the red lights were turning green. By 5:45 AM I was inside the office of PAL supervisor and by  5:50 AM  I was seated inside the plane.  In the context of resurrection, the law of physics governing time and space was violated.  In quantum physics, I entered a non-local reality.


Your wish is my command is a genie paradigm.  When my wife and I went to see a movie Greenbelt, we parked our car at the Corinthian parking lot.  The movie was so entertaining, we decided to do a repeat and by the time we left the movie house, we surprised to find out that the parking lot had closed.  When wife went to the nearby Makati security office, I tried my key to open the Yale lock that held the chain across the parking exit. Voila, the lock opened. This experience is similar to St. Paul whose chains  fell from his hands and feet while in prison.  In the world of microphysics matter behaves differently.  The Law of Attraction states that when we visualize the end-result and stay with our positive feeling, our wish is granted.


Our thoughts communicate to the universe and the quarks move to find solution to our predicament.  Eight years ago, I was invited to by Julie Yap Daza  to appear in Tell The People.  As the theme was house husbands the ABS-CBN crew scheduled me to an 11:00 AM Wednesday shoot at home. doing chores. However, they called me late Tuesday evening, giving me no lead-time to take a leave of absence. Wednesday morning, I immediately met my supervisor to tell him that I will take a leave because of my 11:00 AM video shoot. However, he insisted that I stay because our new division head announced that he will visit our office, and my presence was a must.  As I left his office, I heard his phone rang.  Minutes later, while I was conducting training in another room,  he came in and informed me  that it was our division head who was on the phone earlier, and that he cancelled our meeting .  Happily, I went home for the ABS-CBN video taping.


The quarks were amazing.  They read my thought and my intent and they communicated to our division head.  Bill Gates once said that business should run at the speed of thought through digital technology. I say, the speed of thought travels according to Einstein’s speed of light in the realm of quantum mechanics.



Quantum Physics and Quantum Healing


Br. Andrew Gonzalez (2002) in Adult Faith connected metaphysics and theology by referring to the ‘God of quantum mechanics’ whose supreme presence is in the smallest particle of matter (quarks). The phrase refers to a series of mental images or metaphors of the divinity ever present in the local and non-local realities of material existence.


O’Murchu’s (1998) quantum theology provides spiritual explanation of the phenomenon of quarks.  Deepak Chopra’s (1993) quantum alternative to aging accepts the quarks ability to defy physical conditions of cellular deterioration.


Ballantine’s (1999) healing model in homeopathic therapy breaks away from orthodox Western medicine by integrating the world’s great therapeutic traditions to create a new transformative medicine.


Gregg Badden (2007; 2008) uses quantum physics to explain spirit realities, miracles and spontaneous healing.



Why healing technology? 


Healing in this paper is defined as wellness of mind, heart, body and spirit.  I consider the heart, mind, body and spirit of the patient (healee) as the platform, a technology, from where the power of healing is generated.  When we talk about healing, we simply talk about the mechanics that revs up the energy in the human engine to effect healing.  The process of healing comes through a technology.


Quantum mechanics is thus far an appropriate metaphor to explain ‘healing’ that occurs in seemingly unexplainable physical and even medical paradigms.  Ballantine’s (1999) healing paradigm entails stepping into the unknown challenge of old beliefs, breaking taboos, understanding culture and getting in touch with ‘other reality’ to address the purpose of life.  Deepak Chopra uses quantum physics to defy aging.  His health pre-suppositions are the same pre-suppositions the healer can use to understand the dynamics of quantum healing.


The focus of this workshop is primarily skills building.  It is therefore appropriate to discuss healing technology.  Technology according to Merriam-Webster is science in actual practice; to work out practical problems.  Thus, healing technology simply means the healer’s practical approach to wellness problem.  It is about his/her practices, paradigm, and processes that create the environment for healing to take place.


There is truly an evidence of connectivity between with local and non-local world.  The world of matter and the world of the unseen (spirit). My experience is too real to deny transcendence of time and space.


Quantum God and Healing


Quantum leap is a leap of faith based on one’s belief that the power of Jesus resurrection is already given to us.  We are the children of the resurrection.  Quantum leap, however, is not a spiritual pole vault. The human and divine forces come to terms as portrayed by Michael Angelo at the Sistine Chapel. Let me relate my experience with  quarks in dealing of myoma, pregnancy, and cancer.


In Metrobank, a number of newly-wed tellers find it difficult to conceive.  Obviously, the difficulty lies in being exposed to money (germ carrier) and in being stressed counting money with precision and balancing transactions to the last centavo at the end of the day.


I get to meet them when they attend my training sessions.  In private, they asked to be  prayed over with a special request for a baby.  After a pray-over, I prescribe recitation of  the Angelus at 6:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, and 6:00 PM., underscoring the phrase, “And she conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  I also ask them  reading and meditate on lthe first chapter of St. Luke.


I received reports  of pregnancies across Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao from 1993 to 2003.  The case in Gapan, Nueva Ecija is an interesting example. The teller who was being promoted attended the banks 6-month management workshop in Manila. Her husband was a medical doctor and for 12 years they failed to have a baby.  They had given up having one, so they adopted a baby.  I prayed-over in the presence of her co-trainees, and before the training period ended she was pregnant.  I understand her child is now 10 years old.


Girlie Borjal, a freshman from Ateneo de Manila, is a resident of Ayala Alabang Village, Metro Manila. She was referred to me by her aunt, Sr. Borjal, D.C. of San Juan de Dios Hospital. With her family and friends at Harrison Plaza three ago.  According to her x-ray from St. Luke’s Hospital, she had two leaks in her heart and was due for heart operation.  The last recourse was spiritual healing.  Three month later, her family came to see me and handed me a check in thanksgiving for the physical healing that occurred.  The leaks closed and it was not necessary to do a corrective operation.




  1. IV.          The Healing Technology


The healer’s mind, heart, body and spirit are a human platform, functioning like a computer that generates the power to help transform the healee’s ailing condition to wellness.


Clarity of Vision

The healer’s mind must have the clarity of vision.  This means s/he is able to visualize.  Precise image of what the illness is all about.  Where is it located; what is affected.  The shape of the growth or the specific organ infected has to be determined.  During the interview with the healee, s/he takes note of the ailment and the location.


Together with the healee he directs and gives the picture on how the cancerous cells, for example, turn color from bluish and dark dead cells (after radiation treatment) to pinkish, red vibrant color of a healthy cell.  The healer creates a picture of a healed, healthy organ functioning with vitality.  This picture has to be etched in his/her mind and most importantly in the mind of the healee.  The healee in a regular visualization exercise will use the same picture until healing is achieved.


Do not be surprised to have ‘flashed images’ while doing healing.  Entertain the image.  The vision you get is a guide to effectively manage the healing process.



Confidence of Action


The healer must have confidence of action.  This means s/he is anchored to a course of action that would bring result.  S/he exercises faith in the vision created. Faith in the goodness of the universe means that the quarks will move so that the infected cells reported by the healee will begin to change color and vibrate new energy, new life.


This energy is manifested in the healer through his/her spine.  I personally feel that energy up and down my spine.  I get goose bumps in my neck and arms. I can feel the heat in my palms, on my cheeks, and in my breath.  With eyes closed, I can see the white light descending upon the healee from the top of his/her head to the sole of his/her feet.  I can feel the energy flowing from above coming down my wide-open left palm and transfer from my right hand pointed towards the ‘infected’ body area of the healee.  I allow the flow of energy to continue while experiencing the goose bumps.  I am in a suspended animation thanking the Quantum God who is the source of energy and healing.  I praise Him in the name of Jesus and I acknowledge the power of His Holy Spirit.


There is a sense of expectation for something good, something great is about to happen.  I can feel my healee deeply engrossed in his/her petition to get well.  At this moment I empathize with the healee and I am one in spirit with him/her.



Charity of Intention


The healer must have a pure desire for wellness of the healee.  This means he is detached from the outcome because, after all, s/he is neither the cause nor the source of healing.  S/he is a channel of divine energy.  His/her quarks are activated to influence and activate the quarks of the healee.  Therefore, the life of the healer has to be aligned with the forces of the universe and the law of divine love.  S/he should be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


S/he should graduate from the self-preservation and self-actualization stages of life.  S/he must strive to be at the level of the altruistic and humanitarian level of conduct.  Altruism requires focus on what I can do to others.  Humanitarianism poses the challenge of what can I do that will make this person more than what s/he is right now.


Growth and development in these areas do not come overnight.  It requires discipline, daily discipline to train the heart, mind, body and spirit to be healthy and strong.  I take at least 10 minutes a day to connect to my self and to divine energy.  Silence and proper breathing are key to energizing oneself.  The use of readings, biblically based, helped me get in touch with divine power in print.  Lately, getting out of the house and staring, touching, and watering the plants moved my male feeling to a feminine nurturing attitude. I am fully conscious of the yin and yang growing in my.


The healing event is my moment of oneness.  This is oneness within me as I get my inner power to rev up the energy needed to move the healee.  This is oneness with my healee, as I empathize with him/her and connect my self mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  This is oneness with divine energy, as I connect my self and the healee with a spiritual force who alone does the healing.  Prayer at this point unites the healee, healer and God in one sacred moment where light and energy manifest the power of the quarks already present in the universe.




Preparing the Client


Ask what is to be healed.  The more detailed the description on where it is, the better the visualization image for healing.  As the healee is describing the ailment, the healer should already take tab of the shape and color of the normal/healthy organ.  By the time the description is over, the healer is able to his/her own prescription by giving a picture of a healed state of the organ.


If the problem is psychological, I use Louise Hays’ approach.  In her book, You Can Heal Your Self, she noted that for every psychosocial state (negative/dysfunctional), there is an equivalent physical locus of that feeling or disturbed emotion.[2]


The location of the ailment is very important because energy will be directed physically to that spot.  He healer should open his/her palm and put it near, without touching, to the particular spot. Charles and Frances Hunter in their Handbook for Healing: Supplement to How to Heal the Sick give direction and guidance on how to deal with ailments.[3]  They also provide the vocal/audio/words needed to remove, extract and even exorcise the ailment by casting it away from the healee.


The words and actions of the healer are in harmony when s/he is able to see the healthy state of the organ and s/he is inspired to choose the right words.  Sometimes I spontaneously pray following the ACTS formula. I break into adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication.  At times, I pray in tongues or remain in silence feeling the flow of energy through goose bumps in my arm and neck. Sometimes, I say formula prayers like Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.  Sometimes, bible verses flow abundantly.  Sometimes, the invoke Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the names of saints related to illness, like Peter whose mother in law had fever or St. Blas for throat ailment.



The Healing Event


The healer uses his/her hands to direct energy.  S/he feels the warmth and at times the healer of his/her own hands.  This signifies presence of energy and it has to be directed to the particular of object of healing. As the hand is proximate to the healee’s ailing body part, the healer can also feel the heat being released.


This is particularly true when I place my palm above the head of the healee.  I interpret this as release of his/her negative energy so that good energy can have a place in his/her body.  The principle of feng shui follows displacement for replacement.  Something goes out for something to come in.  Einstein’s E=MC 2 tells us that nothing is created or destroyed in the universe; matter and energy are coherently related.  Thus, heat coming out will be replaced by heat coming in.


Healer-healee etiquette requires that during healing no physical contact should take place.  First, is to avoid transference of energy (collusion) through physical contact.  It is bad enough that heal would sometimes feel the physical state of the healee when s/he travails, a state deeper than empathy.  Second, is to avoid the impression that the healer takes advantage of the situation by touching the healee This does not mean that the healer cannot touch the head, hand, the neck or other non-sensitive part of the body. The impression is that there is a professional distance between the healer and the healee.


It happens that the healer will receive messages and images in a ‘flash’ of inspiration. The beginning healer must learn to be sensitive to these thoughts and images.  Divine inspiration is part of being a medium for healing.  The healer must listen and pay attention to his/her right brain.  Closing one’s eyes is one way of getting this flash inspiration.  Being in a comfortable, quiet place like a corner in an empty church or a prayer room would be an added advantage.  In pursuing a flash, the healer is able to see the actual state of the healee and the desired state for healing.  The flash also inspires him/her to formulate the words and the actions in behalf of the healee.



Post healing Ritual


In any intense human interaction, cleansing after the session is needed to avoid transfer of negative elements.  In healing where ailment or illness is being directly dealt with the healer is advised to do a cleansing ritual.


My practice is to say a cleansing prayer in the presence of my healee. I use the white light, light of the resurrection, to cleanse and purify the healee and plea that whatever came out of him/her nothing will be passed on to any of his/her and my  loved ones.  That the light of the Holy Spirit will cover us and keep us safe from harm.


If and when I forget to say this cleansing prayer with my healee, on my own I would ask for divine protection through the Holy Spirit.  Symbolically, it is good to rinse one’s hands with alcohol. Practically, this practice disinfects the hands from the possible contact with healee’s ailment.


To cool off from a healing session, the healer needs to sit for a while and take a minute or two for breather.  I ordinarily feel warm and most likely I am perspiring and my T-shirt is wet with perspiration.  A cool glass of water or soft drink would help wind the body energy down.


After 15 to 30 minutes of cooling the healer should be able to do his regular routine.  As I do my sessions after noon mass, it would be around 1:30 PM that I would take my meal.  By then, I would be able to enjoy the food.




IV. Conclusion


Let me close this presentation by allowing you to experience healing of your family tree. Earlier as we walked through the mechanics of healing technology, you must have prepared yourself by opening your spirit, your heart, your mind and your body to receive the gift of healing.  Earlier, as I gave example cases of nursing careers and travels abroad, you must have reflected on your own generational inheritance (mana).


For this ‘instant’ healing session, I will do two things: first, walk you through an intergeneration healing of forgiveness and second, we will pray the healing of your family tree.



Intergenerational Healing Prayer


According to Fr. Hampsch (1989), a brief prayer could help heal the family tree.  He adds, “The formulation of the words is not all that important, but the firm purpose of amendment for our own sins and the remorse for the fact that God was offended by the sins of our ancestors is the most perfect private prayer for this healing.  It would be much more if this were conjoined with, or in the context of, the celebration of the Eucharist.


Dear Heavenly Father,


We praise and glorify you for your love and mercy  that you have bestowed upon us and for the spirit of revelation working within us to reveal all hidden sins – both our own and those from former generations.  We now take authority in the name of Jesus Christ over all familial spirits, all generational bondage, all hereditary defects, genetic or of blood, or wrong inclinations that may have been transmitted to us from within our family tree or within spiritual families to which we belong, including the defects within the church that have had their effects upon us personally.  By the faith that you give us, we rebuke all sin and the forces of evil that lead to sin.  In the holy name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we take authority over all familial spirits and bondage and their manifestations within our lives.  By that same power of Jesus, we break the power of evil from ourselves and our families and destroy what otherwise might be transmitted to our descendants.  Help us to accomplish your perfect will and fill our hearts and minds with praise of you as we acknowledge your tender mercy.  Thank you, Lord, for total healing and deliverance, in Jesus’ precious name.   Amen.


Sharon Begley (2007). Train your mind : Change your brain. How the new science reveals our extraordinary potentials to transform ourselves. NY: Ballentine Books

Neuroscientist discovered that the brain retains its power of neuroplasticity.

The brain can be rewired.  It can activate long-dormant wires and run a cable to function.Neurons connected with thinking connect to those mostly with emotions and vice versa. What we were as a child because we excercised our brain can be changed as an adult by rewiring, reengineering if you may, our brain.  Stated the other way around what we experienced emotionally as a child can be rewired by reengineering our brain as an adult.  Remember that the neurons ultimate structure is the quark and it is both light and matter and out brain creating our thoughts has energy that transcends the physical world; it is a metaphysical reality.l




Begley,  Sharon (2007). Train your mind : Change your brain. How the new science reveals our extraordinary potentials to transform ourselves. NY: Ballentine Books

Braden, Gregg. (2007) The divine matrix: Bridging time, space, miracles, and belief.

California: Hay House, Inc.

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