Dr. Emiliano Hudtohan

Educator, Business Writer, Industry Expert and Entrepreneur

Clean Air and Negative Ions

Published Nov 26, 2012 – Manila Standard Today

In November, we celebrate Environmental Awareness and Clean Air Month to ensure that environmentalism becomes “a way of life.” This awareness campaign of the government is the result of Proclamation 1109 on Clean Air Month in 1997, Republic Act 9512 on National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008.

Air in Metro Manila has long been classified as polluted.  We breathe in toxic elements that are airborne. Our cement jungle deprives us of clean, fresh air that comes from lush, green vegetation.  This crowded city no longer provides us the natural negative ions that our body system needs to attain good health. Apparently, the battle against pollution seems to have a foregone conclusion.  It is increasing and it is now up to individual initiatives to find alternative solutions to the polluted air we breathe.

Health awareness

When my wife lost her voice in the 90s, together we embarked on a journey in search of wellness.  I decided to study mental health under De La Salle’s guidance and counseling program.  For practical reasons, I shifted to the child and family life Ph.D. program at Miriam College while my daughter studied at the Ateneo.  But by the time she graduated from college, I was only half-done with my study.

In 2004, still focused on wellness, I proposed to write on quantum healing for my dissertation, partly because of our experience with Bukas Loob sa Dios charismatic community and Pearl’s research on metaphysics.  As there was no metaphysicist at DLSU, I dropped the proposal upon the advice of Br. Andrew Gonzalez, FSC. But Pearl and I continued to explore Eastern homoeopathic medicine as an alternative to wellness. She underwent acupuncture in Chinatown and on her own practiced acupressure. In the framework of quantum physics and acupressure practice, she managed her wellness for 16 years and enjoyed good health.

But on May 10, this year, she suffered a mild stroke. After 17 days of confinement at San Juan de Dios Hospital, she was allowed to come home. Then, Ester Ocampo, auntie of our caregiver Maret Luceno, introduced her to the MetroWaki high potential therapy, which makes use of a regulated stream micro vibration of negative ions.

My study on the existence of quarks and atoms made it easier for me to appreciate the importance of the negative ions that revitalize the cells in our body systems. These negative ions, according to MetroWaki Harrison Plaza supervisor Anton Llanto, help increase our natural immunity and counters the effects of the positive ions that induce acidity.

Meridian of wellness

Pearl’s years of research on Chinese medicine and acupressure helped her understand the role of micro electric vibration.

She says, “My more than two months free therapy at the MetroWaki wellness center at Harrison Plaza has reawakened my interest in acupuncture. The idea that the body possesses an unseen energy stream has been the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine for a very long time. Stimulating specific sites in the meridians has been shown to be effective in blocking pain signals also healing disruption of energy flow. Stimulation can be done through heat, massage, direct electrical stimulation and tapping…

“According to the book ‘Instant Emotional Healing’ when certain crystals are activated, they vibrate and bend. Then they snap back to their original shape thereby causing an electric charge. This is known as the piezo electric effect.  Supposedly, calcium in the bones provides the mineral crystals for the piezo electric effect. Related to this, geobiologist Joseph Krichvink and his colleagues at the Caltech Institute have interesting findings regarding the effects of the electromagnetic field on humans. Magnetite which is the crystallized form of iron responsive to both geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields is found mostly in the pineal gland in the center of the brain…

“I read somewhere years ago that wishes which are written in pencil which has magnetite increases the chances of the wishes being granted. This is due to the power of magnetism.  Grabhorn in “Beyond the Twelve Steps” details the importance of thoughts. Thoughts come to the brain through the pituitary which secretes a hormone that flows into the pineal gland. Let us remember that magnetite is found in the pineal gland responsible for activating different frequencies of thought. The higher frequencies of thought are not limited beliefs. The higher thought frequencies utilize the emotions; they bring in more understanding; they literally awaken human beings to their divinity.”

Health equipment

Through an experiment in physical wellness through micro vibrations, Pearl and I experienced physical improvement benefits.  After two months of ionized treatment, our high blood sugar normalized.  She manifested smoother skin and I noticed my age spots disappeared and was able to flex my arthritic finger without pain.  Encouraged by the effects of the negative ions, we bought a MetroWaki air dehumidifier-ionizer and water purifier-ionizer for healthier lifestyle. Aileen Gutierez, my FEU MBA student, told me that in Japan, dehumidifiers and water ionizers are ordinary household appliances.  MetroWaki consultant Romy Libatog also confirmed that in the Philippines more and more urban households are using ionization equipment.

When our meridians get clogged, acidity sets in and the road to disease and un-wellness becomes a pathway in the big city.  There is an alternative technology that recaptures the natural elements, like the negative ions that make our cells healthy in the big city where we live.

The World Bank has been looking to the East for environmental solutions; there is technological health innovation in Asia; the therapeutic machines of MetroWaki are made in Japan and a Malaysian company operates wellness centers in the Philippines.

MetroWaki CSR

MetroWaki’s 30-minute daily treatment is offered free because it does not pay for media advertisements.  I look at this as an innovative corporate social responsibility that benefits those who cannot afford to buy the machine or avail of the treatment at top hospitals in Quezon City and Makati City. It allows those who experience positive results to personally spread the wellness good news; it does not do hard sell by “dragging the customer” to the wellness center.


Congratulations to manager Marian Credo, marketing in-charge Joan Marie Cordovan and staff on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Jollibee Branch in Vito Cruz corner Taft Avenue. As member of Happyplus, I enjoy the efficiency of cashless payments and other loyalty benefits of Jollibee.

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  1. jom tolibas says:

    effective pa din po ang waki therapy sa inyo? hindi po eto parang placebo effect?

  2. Maria Cristina Lorenzo says:

    Could you please advise me if you have a therapy clinic in Makati using the Waki therapy. My husband would like to try it as he has degenerative osteo. Pls reply asap.



    • Sorry for the late reply, I was out of the country [went to Korea for lecture] and when I returned graduate school classes have opened.

      I am a doctor of education and I have researched on quantum physics. Basically, the mind can influence the body and therefore the mind can heal the body. The Waki machine is at the 2nd floor of Harrison Plaza. I avail of the use of the machine. I am not part of the company, but I believe in its usefulness.

      Osteoporosis: tradition cure is intake of calcium. You may wish to explore other possibilities. If you have FaceBook account look for Mary Jean Natario-Cruz. She has another paradigm for wellness and healing. Tell her I recommended her to you.

      Mind heals, but we have to help the body source its needed chemicals.

      emil h.

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